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( Last Updated: 10/19/02)
Apple focused experience with an emphasis on designing, developing, and delivering commercial software products for the Macintosh since 1985. In the roles of manager, project lead, and key engineer on projects for Apple Computer and other companies doing Apple product development.
Development Tools |
Frameworks |
Platform Tools |
Databases |
Languages |
Macintosh QuickBooks Pro |
October 2002 - Present |
Intuit, Inc. |
Senior User Interface Design Engineer (Self Contracting)
I'm currently working on windowing and user interface elements to help bring the venerable application up to MacOS X standards. Part of my responsibilities are to bring my fresh MacOS X knowledge and experience into the task of rereleasing the QuickBooks Pro application on the Macintosh platform. Many years have passed since this product received the attention needed to bring it up to the state of the art. I hope to continue this contract for a few months, but will be seeking a full time position as work nears completion.
Developed in: [ CodeWarrior MacOS X, C++, PowerPlant, 1.3 million lines of code (MacOS X) ]
Apple's Project Builder |
June 2001 - October 2002 |
Apple Computer, Inc. |
Senior User Interface Design Engineer
I was brought in as a senior engineer to overhaul the user interface of Apple's current integrated development environment. Project Builder is a part of a suite of Apple supplied free development tools and is used to develop state of the art applications for MacOS X in Objective C, C++, and Java. As an integral part of my job I was able to gain extensive experience with developing in Objective C, Apple's Cocoa framework, the UNIX command line tools, and an insight into the core workings of MacOS X
My major task while at Apple was to expand Project Builder's one window interface into a fully configurable and user customizable multi-window interface. As well as improving the flow of control within Project Builder to closely match the Code Warrior IDE interface and organization. I presented these improvements on stage at Apple's World Wide Developer's Conference in May of 2002.
Other responsibilities included working closely with Apple's UI group to integrate additional Universal Access features including a full set of keyboard navigation shortcuts at the framework level for many of the common UI controls (outline views, lists, etc.). One of my last tasks was to contribute to the design of the next generation version of the IDE tools.
Developed in: [ Project Builder, Objective C, Cocoa (AppKit), 1.5 million lines of code (MacOS X) ]
CommandPost & Effetto Pronto |
March 1997 - June 2001 |
Videonics, Inc. |
Manager of GUI Development / Software Architect
My key responsibilities are in the areas of conceptual design, user interface development, and application level coding for various Videonics products including:
<> Worked on a product related to real-time video streaming over the Internet. The Macintosh based interface included a full-featured user definable source switcher that is able to manage any number of QuickTime video files, streams, and multiple live sources.
CommandPost 1.0 & 2.0 is a USB peripheral primarily used with video editing software such as iMovie, FinalCut Pro, AfterEffects, Premiere, and others, but the user can define any key sequences they wish to control other applications. My contribution included collaborating with two other engineers to define the technology and develop the prototype. Was fully responsible for designing and implementing the Macintosh application that allows the user to define the actions associated with the device's keys, jog shuttle, and slider controls and managed the PC development efforts in parallel. Took over the PC software development (for version 2.0) at both the UI and Driver levels. The product has won Best Product at NAB and has had numerous awards in Macintosh, PC, and Video publications.
Effetto/Pronto 1.0 & 2.0 is a full-featured non-linear video editing and composition system for the Macintosh. My primary contributions included the development of the keyframe based composition editor, project interface (clips and components manager), batch rendering interface, and overall user interface design across all the various features of the application. Combined with the PCI video accelerator, we are able to provide real time compositing of video. The product has won Editor's choice awards and been featured on the covers of MacWeek and the Videographer SIGGRAPH issue.
[ Code Warrior, C++, C, MacApp R13, 1.4 million lines of code ]
Adobe PhotoDeluxe |
December 1996 - March 1997 |
Adobe, Inc. |
Macintosh User Interface Consultant (contracted via Migration Software)
Contracted to design and code portions of version 2.0 of Adobe's personal photo editing software. A short, schedule driven effort to implement missing features before the product could ship. Some of the features included: Pattern Fill, Pattern Database, Selection bug fixes, and performance enhancement of current window management components, for Macintosh and PC.
[ Code Warrior, MPW 3.4, C++, Adobe's proprietary cross platform version of MacApp ]
Denali |
March 1995 - December 1996 |
Apple Computer, Inc. |
Macintosh Interface Software Architect (contracting via Migration Software)
A multi platform development environment similar to and fully compatible with Microsofts Visual Basic. Software developed with Denali would run unaltered on MacOS, Windows, UNIX - Motif, and OS/2 platforms. The project was announced at Apples WorldWide Developers Conference in 1995. Acted as lead engineer for the Macintosh portion of the multi-platform user interface builder. Primarily responsible for identifying, designing, and working with the team to implement the controls missing on the Macintosh that are available on the PC and UNIX platforms. This allowed complete multi platform compatibility of the end user's application.
[ Code Warrior, MPW 3.4, C++, MacApp 3.3, 1.8 million lines of code (all platforms) ]
CoLearning |
July 1992 - March 1995 |
Apple Computer, Inc. |
User Interface Project Leader / Software Architect (contracted via softAnswer &ADIA)
A collaborative computing client / server project similar to Lotus Notes. Version 2.0 shipped 3/95. The Advanced Technologies Group at Apple worked with the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education to define what would be needed in a K-12 software package to assist students and teachers with building collaborative learning projects within the classroom using Macintosh computers. Worked with a team of three engineers to design and implement both the client and server portions of this product with a point and click interface suitable for younger children. The project was highly thought of by teachers.
[ MPW 3.3, C++, MacApp 3.0 & 3.1.2, dtF Relational Database (PowerMac & 68K), 800K lines ]
HiQ |
January 1991 - July 1992 |
Bimillennium Corp. |
User Interface Project Leader / Senior Software Engineer
User Interface lead and major contributing developer for a large-scale integrated numerical engineering solutions application. Including a page layout interface, spreadsheet data editor, formatted and compiled 4GL, and 2D/3D interactive grapher. My responsibilities centered on the design and implementation of the WYSIWYG page layout interface that is the main view of all data, notes, and results of the user's engineering project. Also designed and implemented the text editor (with spell checking) and the core framework that integrated all the various components into one cohesive application. The product was purchased by National Instruments and continues to ship commercially.
[ MPW 3.2, C++, MacApp 2.0.1 (modified), 1.7 million lines ]
MacDSS |
October 1990 - January 1991 | Apple Computer, Inc. |
Senior Software Engineer (contracted via KPMG*ExIS)
Contributed to user interface design and implementation of a multi-dimensional spreadsheet application used by Apple executives for product tracking and reporting to board of directors.
[ MPW 3.2, Object Pascal & C++, MacApp 2.0 ]
AppleOrder |
June 1988 - October 1990 |
Apple Computer, Inc. |
Consulting Project Leader / Senior Software Engineer (contracted via KPMG*ExIS)
User interface design and implementation for (Apple IS&T) Mac based order entry system for Apples dealers via remote connection to Apples mainframe order processing systems. Was responsible for the user interface and the distributed database that resides on the dealer's Macintosh.
[ MPW 3.2, Object Pascal & C++, MacApp 2.0 ]
Omnis 3.3 & Omnis Express |
December 1986 - June 1998 |
BLYTH Software |
Project Leader / Senior Software Engineer
Was primarily responsible for features and performance enhancements for the Omnis relational database. Was singularly responsible for user interface and core software implementation for the Omnis Express interface development tool for the Omnis product. This included design and implementation of the rapid interface builder application that was a companion to the full relational database solution offered on the Macintosh. Later contributed to significantly increasing the database performance and doubling the available space the user had for defining custom script actions during data entry.
[ MPW 3.1, Pascal ]
Games Development |
May 1985 - December 1986 |
LucasFilms Games Group |
Contract Software Engineer
Worked on real-time 3D fractal game environment for the Apple ][ called, "The Eidolon". The game shipped and was well reviewed (a smash hit in Europe).
[ ProDOS, Unix, 6502 Assembly Language ]
Developer Technical Support |
January 1983 - April 1985 |
Apple Computer, Inc. |
Senior Software Engineer
Worked as a Developer Technical Support engineer at Apple before moving into product marketing for a short time. Primary responsibilities were support of Apple's Pascal and assembly language development tools.
[ Apple //, Apple ///, Lisa, Macintosh, MPW 3.1, Pascal, BASIC ]
Educational Software Manager |
May 1982 - December 1982 |
Houston Dept. of Tech. |
Group Manager / Senior Software Engineer
Worked with the Houston School District to setup an educational software development team. We produced a nationally recognized package called, "Apple ESL" (English as a Second Language). This was a continuation of work done with the school district while still a graduate student.
[ Apple //, DOS 3.3, AppleSoft BASIC, 6502 Assembly Language ]
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, California
Masters Computer Science 1982 Masters Architectural Design 1982 Bachelors Architectural Engineering 1980 Bachelors Applied Mathematics 1980
If you would like to EMail me: lsaleme@computecture.com